Copyright and distribution rights in music are quite important topics. Firstly, copyright refers to the legally protected rights of the creator of a song or composition. These rights include various actions such as copying, distributing, performing, and modifying the work.

Distribution rights, on the other hand, refer to the process of commercially releasing and marketing a work. This means selling and distributing the work on digital platforms, CDs, vinyl records, or other media formats.

Today, music distribution has become quite common through digital music platforms and online stores. Artists or music producers can reach a wide audience by publishing their music on these platforms. However, this distribution process typically involves various legal and commercial factors, such as protecting copyright, ensuring fair compensation, and complying with legal requirements.

The copyright owner of a work usually markets their music and earns revenue through music publishers or digital music distribution platforms. This distribution process involves important elements such as protecting copyright and managing relationships with other stakeholders in the music industry.

All rights to the songs you hear on Filodyo belong solely to Filodyo. No organization, institution, or professional association holds any rights or authority over these works.

Copyright and distribution rights are generally separate concepts, but they are interrelated. Copyright protects the legal rights of a work’s creator, while distribution rights are concerned with the commercial marketing and dissemination of the work.

Copyright includes various rights such as copying, performing, modifying, and distributing a work. These rights usually belong to the creator of the work or the copyright holder. Therefore, the copyright holder can decide to distribute their work or transfer this right to someone else.

Distribution rights, on the other hand, refer to the process of commercially publishing and marketing a work. In this process, the work can be sold and distributed on digital platforms, CDs, vinyl records, or other media formats. Distribution rights are typically managed by the copyright holder or an agency representing the copyright.

In summary, copyright and distribution rights are interconnected but distinct concepts. The copyright holder may have the authority to control the distribution of their work or may license these rights to someone else.

Today, music distribution through digital music platforms and online stores has become quite common. Artists or music producers can reach a wide audience by publishing their music on these platforms.

You are safe with the music produced by Filodyo!

Works Protected by Timestamp

The works produced in Filodyo studios are meticulously protected from the moment they are created. Our music is secured immediately after production using a modern and reliable method known as Timestamping. This method precisely records the time the works are created, providing strong evidence against any potential future claims.

Independence and Assurance

Filodyo operates independently, free from claims by professional associations or any other institutions or organizations over the works. This independence allows artists and creators to develop their works in a more relaxed environment. In the event of a claim, Filodyo can present the timestamp certificates it holds to the legal authorities, definitively proving the originality and ownership of the works.